As an example, some funded projects in the field of natural disasters are mentioned:
«TELEMACHUS»: Creation of an innovative system for the management of the seismic risk in the Ionian Islands, an area characterized seismically and tectonically as the most active in the Greek area and one of the most active worldwide. PEP-IN 2014-2020
«LAERTIS»: Assessment and evaluation of natural risks through the recording and analysis of data with innovative methodologies of geo-environmental, geological, hydrometeorological parameters, analysis of satellite images and diagnosis of the characteristics of regional climate variability. In addition, assessment of the risk of fires, extreme weather conditions and meteorological phenomena, floods, soil and coastal erosion, landslides and landslides. Vulnerability analysis for all the above risks and development of detailed hazard and risk rating maps for the entire study area, with prioritization according to the degree of risk. PEP-IN 2014-2020
«BEST»: Implementation of ICT infrastructure for biodiversity and civil protection. Development based on state-of-the-art technologies to discover new methodologies and safe limits of variation for effective environmental risk monitoring and management. Adaptation of new protocols and strategic plans to address biodiversity loss and civil protection threats. Interreg V-A Cross Cooperation Program Greece-Italy (EL-IT) 2014 -2020
«AETHER»: The project aims to strengthen the strategic role of Public Bodies, between Greece and Italy, through the joint governance and management of projects created at a transnational level with the aim of sharing and defining environmental protection actions and the sustainable use of marine, coastal and continental resources. It will be based on three main phases: Shared environmental assessment and co-design and co-management of common plans and protocols. 2. Networking Tools and ITC. 3. Implementation of pilot projects. The project begins with its processing mapping and the analyzes of the relevant areas for the assessment of environmental risks, prevention measures and the subsequent alarm phase of the population, with reference to the assessed risks, which will have an impact on health, product quality and consequently on social and community life. Interreg V-A Cross Cooperation Program Greece-Italy (EL- IT) 2014 -2020
«BIG»: BIG dealt with the regional observatories which are particularly important for observing and ensuring the continuous updating of data on biodiversity emergencies. The commitments of the EU member states, and thus of each region, also concern the drafting and updating of the PAF (Priority Action Framework) in order to optimize the use of biodiversity resources. Both observatories and PAFs represent fundamental elements in defining transboundary biodiversity strategies. The overall objective of the project was to improve the governance, management and sustainability of rural and coastal protected areas and the contribution to the implementation of Natura 2000 provisions in Italy and Greece. The main activities were the definition of common monitoring standards as well as the implementation of a biodiversity information system, the updating of the guidelines for the management of protected areas, the implementation and implementation of the support tool for decision makers and training for managers of protected areas, the implementation of specific and pilot action in GR and IT, implementation of a sustainable GR-IT tourist route and development of a cross-border portal. European territorial cooperation program Greece – Italy 2007-2013
Operational Network of Meteorological – Environmental Stations of Ionia. This is a network created within the framework of the DEMSNIISI project of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Interreg IV Greece – Italy. The network supplies real-time and minute-by-minute measurements of critical meteorological and climate parameters from all the Ionian Islands, capturing also the meso-scale variability. Since 10/2014, by virtue of relevant scientific cooperation agreements, the Ionian stations have been included in the operational network of the National Meteorological Service. Since 2014, the Network operates and provides its metrics in real time through the website
«Applications of Phononic Materials and Metamaterials in Earthquake Engineering» (project code: T1EDK-00185)with the funding agency NSRF 2014 – 2020 (EYDE ETAK, MIS/ PROGRAM CODE: 5031856 Program Code 80583) within the framework of the RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE Action which is co-financed by the European Union and national resources through the E.P. Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (EPANEK).